4th day of April already!

Good afternoon everyone. Can you all believe that its already the 4th day of April??! I can't believe it and that Easter is literally around the corner?
My life has been so busy and chaotic lately that I have to just sit and breathe every now and then before I get too overwhelmed with things going on.
I miss the days when my kids were younger and I would take them to the park to do the Easter egg hunts every year. They have been out grown doing that for a few years, but I still miss it. They are all teens now so that is not happening anymore, but they aren't too old to color eggs, I was thinking of doing the coloring thing this year...they like doing crafts and stuff so we might boil a dozen or so eggs for us and do the coloring thing and have fun doing all that.
My oldest son is 19 now and my daughter is going to be 15 in less then 2 weeks!
I am happy with today so far..I took care of things this morning that I had the appointment for and now to continue moving forward.
Looking forward to Friday evening, me and my youngest son will be going to see Mirror Mirror and then Saturday afternoon I am taking my daughter to see Hunger Games. Not sure what my middle son wants to see yet or if he wants to see anything at all..might give him some spending money and let him do whatever.
Looking forward to the weekend, have a great day.


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