Very Stressful Early Evening

Monday, November 10, 2008

A very stressful early evening
Category: Life

Today was going alright, for the most part besides being tired and cranky as it was until 5 rolled around and no Jessica. She is staying after school for the after school reading and math program b/c she liked it last year and wanted to do it again this year so I said ok. It starts at 3:45 and last an hour and then the bus drops her off here in front of the house, usually a few minutes before 5 or at 5. Well 5 came and she wasn't here. I waited til a couple minutes after 5 and then started panicking! I called the school, no answer, I called the bus barn and no answer. So I kept calling them one then the other right after each other for about 5-10 minutes. Then Leon got dressed and left and went walking to the bus stop and then up to the school while Jared hopped on the bike and went up to the school. Long story short, shes home safe and sound THANK GOODNESS!!!! Thanks to Jared!

I finally got ahold of someone at the bus barn around 5:30!! He said that there was a mix up with the buses and they should be here soon so that relieved me a little. About 5 minutes after that Jared comes walking in the back door with Jesse. He said that he saw the bus going off a different way then where it needed to be going and chased it b/c I guess he figured it was the right one, not to many out that time of the day. So he followed it for about 2 1/2 blocks or so til it let out a kid and then got on there and said can I get my sister and the driver was like what who and didn't even know the route or where the hell to go or anything! So Jared got Jesse and they walked home! About 5 mins after they walked in the door Leon called and I told him that she was home and then he walked home. The idiot bus driver thought they didn't have it today and was late, which the bus barn guy toldme they were 20-25 minutes late. Leon said there was other panicked parents up there at the school to. PATHETIC! Jesse said no more after today so I don't know if she will continue going or not!

Thats about it for now. Im tired and getting my headache back again..hugs night


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