Drank a wine cooler today
So today has been alright so far. I never drink anything but sodas and water. Well last night, Leon came in here and made a comment, give me the money and I'll go get something to drink and I said I have something to drink and he said I will use my id and for some reason I thought hmm ok sounds good so today I told him to go get me something (wine coolers) and he did..I drank one after I ate lunch and it was GOOD! Its a Strawberry Daqueri B&J and I enjoyed it very much. I am still a little tipsy from drinking it. I don't' ever drink, not even on New Years usually! Leon used to be an alcoholic drinking beer all the time and I just never really enjoyed drinking to much so I promised myself I wouldn't ever get that way for me and for my kids. But today I drank just the one wine cooler, still 3 in the fridge, sometimes I guess I just need a break and to relax. That's about all that is going on here. Kids are watching TV in there rooms and I was watching LMN, Jared is at his friends and Leon's face is in his game as always.
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