We are the United States of America not the blue & red states of America! We are One - We are United!
This is the United States of America. This isn’t the red and
blue states of America. This isn’t the Republican and Democrat states of America. This is the UNITED
We are United! We are ONE! We are all equal. So please
remind me why/how this idiot orange buffoon in the oval keeps referring to this
country as the “blue states and the red states” more times than the United
States. What in the hell is wrong with him?! Okay never mind don’t answer that! There is not enough room in the comments to
answer what is wrong with him!
I seriously can’t believe what an idiot fool this man sounds
like every time he opens his mouth!
I was in the hospital
early Monday morning about 1 am until late Tuesday evening. I had
surgery, nothing major just my gallbladder
out. However, just during that time that
I was in the hsoptail number 1 it was
chaotic to say the least! Number 2 it
was just sad and pathetic the ad…the one
ad that they had on the tv on the local Oklahoma channel that I was watching
from Trump. It showed Biden saying he would raise taxes and of course left out
the part about over the people who make over $400K a year! Such a sad and pathetic
ad! Then I rearlized the idiots yes I’m calling my state idiots here for a
number of reasons. The idiots here are
going to look/listen to that ad not fact check it of course not pay attention
to anything else but just the part where he said I’m going to raise taxes and
that’s all they are going to hear and then they are going to put this country
in danger or further danger by going out and voting on the orange buffoon.
Biden isn’t going to raise the taxes on low/middle income Americans. He is going to raise them
on the higher ones because they can handle it.
They won’t suffer and go further into poverty by paying more taxes. More than likely they won’t even notice that
much of a damn difference because they are already making over $400K!
Trump is the one that is hurting us. Trump is the one that
keeps promising oh yea we are going to have a great health care package….2
weeks 3 weeks a month from now blah blah blah nothing but lies he has nothing to show for it! Just empty promises
and lies!
Trump is the one that is fighting to take away healthcare in
the middle of a fucking pandemic!!!! This is how sick and disgusting and evil
the sob is!!!! In the middle of a fucking pandemic!!!!
Putting politics aside
ANY one that would take the time to put up such a fight to take away
healthcare is a sorry sack of crap in my book! I don’t give a damn if he’s a
Replublican, Democrat, orange green yellow
or purple that is a sorry
ass evil person to do this now!!!
It was a sorry ass thing to do when this crap started back
in Feb!!!!! he is a sorry excuse for a
human being period! And if you think that he’s still great well then that is on
you!! You can explain to your kids and grandkids of why this man is going down
in the history books as one of the dumbest and one of the most foolish and evil
presidents in history! You can explain why you
don’t and didn’t give a damn about healthcare to them and you can
explain to them why he’s so great!
And really? Please tell me why is it he’s so great?
Oh yea because he’s a very huge unsuccessful businessman.
Nothing he’s done is successful.
He hasn’t made good
money on anything he’s done.
He owes billions to other countries.
He’s gone bankrupt 6
times and that’s just the tip of the ice burg!
So what has he done for this country besides bring more hatred
out into our cities and more racism out in the country where it was already an
issue but he made it become a huger issue because he wants it to be a bigger
How disgusting is that??? That you want your country to be
more hateful to each other. Show more hatred because of someone’s religion or
color of there skin or how they talk etc. Why would you woant more hatred in
the world? What good does that do?
And why would you not get on to someone and ask them why
would you put bounties on my military??? And then tell them to stop or else
there are going to be consequences!!!! That is what a normal leader would do
regardless of policitcal party!!! That is what a normal human that has fucking
empathy and caring for Americans would do! You wouldn’t just say oh well okay
whatever he’s innocent because I love
him! Oh and Kim omg…the love letters with him….and now they have a huge missile
or something I believe they said….why? Because this orange buffoon doesn’t give
a damn a bout us!
He is talking about
shaving his head and fleeing the country!
Okay you know what – go for it!! I want to see him shave his
I want to see him try
to flee because Jan 20th 2021 at noon they need to arrest his sorry
ass the second that he loses his power. That second not 5 mins later not 10
mins later right then and there!! Why would someone innocent state that he’s
going to flee the country?! And no he wasn’t being sarcastic! He was being
serious! He’s said himself “he doesn’t kid”
Why would anyone trust him? Why would anyone want to have
anything to do with him? Why would anyone want to continue to help him?
He has a grand jury going on right now for crap that he’s
done. He is nothing but a conman and a criminal that belongs behind bars for
the rest of his life! Anyone else out here in the real world that has done even
half the shit that he has done would already be behind bars!!!!!!! He is no
different! He isn’t untouchable He isn’t invincible and he definitely is not above
the law!
I’m hoping that people come to there senses and start
blabbing as soon as the election gets here! I hope that next week people start
turning on this idiot and tell us what is really going on because if they don’t
I really hope that they have a backup
career plan! They need to come out and tell the truth on all the crap that
is/has gone on there in the west wing. He is nothing but a damn dirt bag and we
need to put him in his place which is first voting his sorry ass out in the
highest of numbers that his head is going to spin and then by putting him
behind bars!
More to come this weekend!
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