33 days!


There are 33 days left to vote the orange clown out of office! Only 33 days! I am so thrilled and excited that we are almost there!  This year has been full of chaos, to say the least, but at the end of the year  hopefully we can get ready for a normal upcoming new year!

Make your voice heard! Vote!! Vote like your life depends on it because it does!  The clown doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing and has done nothing for this country in the last nearly 4 years! He’s done nothing but cause chaos and more hatred! I have never felt as unsafe in my life as I have this year! Unsafe b/c of COVID which he could have done more and didn’t give a damn too! He could have put out there more positivity and yet the only thing he knows how to do is show hate and make sure that others know that we aren’t alike and some are better than others --- complete bullshit! We are alike every one of us! None of us is better than anyone else! He’s such a racist pig!

I just heard/read on twitter that he is in quarantine because of  Hope Hicks being positive of Covid-19. Pathetic! So she went there with him on the plane to the debate and she was positive! Not only putting   her life at  risk but also his and  his family and anyone on the plane, oh but  yea it’s a “hoax” and doesn’t worry it will go away with the warm weather! Oh yea but wait hasn’t the warm weather already passed this  year yet there are over 200,000 people that  have died b/c of that nut job saying that it wasn’t real so, therefore, his nutty  followers put their life at risk and others b/c they are all selfish assholes for not taking this seriously!

All I can say to any of the ones on the plane with her and to him and his family is Karma!  Not wishing bad things, just saying’ Karma is a bitch!

On the other hand, this is a blessing  in disguise that he can’t go out and have his damn rallies that would put more people at risk b/c they are all idiots that are packed inside not  outside most of  them have been inside and close contact  no masks and no social  distancing so this  is a blessing  that  he hopefully will stay in quarantine so that he can’t spread it to others!

They are all losing it and he really has lost it if he seriously thought for one sec that he won the debate and did a good job! What good job did he do?  He yelled and screamed and talked over everyone and argued even with the moderator so what the hell?! It was literally a shitshow!! And not to mention a great embarrassment for our country! 

Hugs & Love from your Queen of Random - Lisa

LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed


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