Yes! Biden-Harris 2020 to Unite this country!
I am so ecstatic right now!! I am so happy that he picked Kamala! I think that she is an awesome pick and I know that they will get this country back to being United and better than ever!
The orange clown has done nothing for this country but show us that he is one of the most despicable disgusting human beings on earth! Disgusting gross racist pig! He knows that the he is losing right now even with his own party! No one likes the way that he has handled things in the last couple of years and then this year he has completely blown it!
He had a chance, one chance to show actual emotion and compassion and to show us that he is indeed someone that gives a damn about the American people and he blew it!
Instead he stated that this Covid-19 was a hoax, a china virus etc....anyway to lead it away from him not taking responsibility for now over 160,000 American lives that have been lost b/c of his selfish ways!!!
Biden and Harris are the hope for this country!!
They are exactly what we need to pull this country together again and not further apart!
Stay safe wherever you are! Covid-19 doesn't give a crap what your age, sex, color, or political opinion doesn't care! We need to be United to get through this!
Hugs from Lisa-your Queen of Random
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