What didn't kill me, made me stronger!
Good day everyone! I hope that you all are having a great day wherever you are!
Lots of things have been going on for me this year, some tough and some good things, so I wanted to share a little.
The beginning of the year was a very rough one for me as we lost my grandmother. She had Alzheimer’s so the last time that my boys and I saw her was back at the end of 2013 or 2014 and she didn’t recognize or know any of us. Broke my heart!! I was her baby so to speak! I was her only grandchild for over 5 years and that is one of the many reasons that my grandparents were so special to me and my uncle as well. I was the only one around and they spent a lot of time with me and I treasured the moments and memories and forever will! I miss them, grandpa passed in Oct 2000 when my youngest was almost 2 so he never really got to know him. My uncle passed in Feb of 2009 and now my grandmother in Jan of 2019. They were the world to me! Along with the man that I looked up to and who treated me like his own daughter although we weren’t blood. He passed in July of 2014 from complications of diabetes just like my best friend of 30 years passed away last year in Feb b/c of diabetes. And then to add to it my middle son passed away Oct 2018 so needless to say 2018 was a horrible year for me in a lot of ways mostly emotional. Once it starts raining it just continued to pour!

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger…have to keep remembering that and living my days like that is true b/c sometimes I just wonder why things went so crappy!
This year I made the decision to continue my college as last year it was put on hold b/c of life. This year I’m going strong with it and determined to continue no matter what comes in my way! I’m going for Medical coding and billing which is something that I have loved since one of my clients was showing me the bare necessities of billing and doing claims a couple years ago.
I hope that you all are having a great day, month and year and that it only continues to get better!
Much love and hugs always from your Queen of Random - Lisa
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