We should apologize to Trump?!
So I just want to get this out there and off of my mind before I get more irritated with it!
I read this morning in an article that someone said that basically we needed to apologize to Trump! I believe it was a news media outlet, a newspaper if I remember correctly.
The above pic is one of my faves, why you ask? Because he has his hands in the air and I can't wait to see him put them in the air when they come and arrest his sorry butt!!!!
It said that since the Mueller Report came out that it exonerates Trump and that we should apologize to him!!
This just blew my flipping mind!! What part of “This does not exonerate the President” do they not understand? That is the quote I believe from the laughable ridiculous summary that AG Barr put out! Clearly states that it doesn’t exonerate him! Yet people are saying that it does and some are celebrating aka gloating b/c oh my goodness he was treated so badly! Screw that!!! If he was treated so badly why didn’t he fully corporate with Mueller and do the damn interview with him in person? Oh that’s right b/c he is a flipping liar and doesn’t know what the truth is and because he would of gotten himself in more trouble opening his mouth in a room where no one else had any say so! And if it really exonerated him then why not release the full flipping report and let the American people judge for ourselves!
And you know what? If that man ever apologized for anything and was sincere about it, I might actually consider it but, he has been such a racist, biggot, bully, narcisistic pig that I don't care to apologize to anyone that makes fun of people that has done nothing to him and him bullying people that are a million times better than he could ever be! Ridiculous!
Oh yea they won’t because they know that it has dirt in there and that he’s nothing but a flipping con man and they don’t want to admit it!
I think that Barr is hiding not just a little something but a huge something and Trump is just in denial of what this will do to him and so he’s celebrating and gloating! So continue to enjoy your freedom because before too long we will have justice and you will be behind bars where you 1000% deserve to be!
And from the statement about having news people fired if they were talking about this the other day – seriously? What?? Excuse me! Do you not know what the 1st Amendment is or says?! Oh yea, probably not because after all he is Trump and that man doesn’t know how to read must less know anything about laws or the Constitution! What a flipping dirt bag! And if he was so innocent then why would you be acting like such a flipping fool calling for people to be fired over doing there job?! Oh, that’s right because he’s not innocent and he knows that it will come out because the dems will get to the bottom of it one way or another and if they go the route of having Mueller come in and testify then that would bring more viewers than any other flipping thing ever on tv is my guess because I’ll damn sure be watching as will millions of others!
Those are just my thoughts so far for the day - wishing you all a great day!
Love & Hugs always from your Queen of Random - Lisa
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