Monday thoughts - happy MLK Jr. Day & other thoughts

      Good day everyone, I hope that you are having a good one wherever you are. Happy MLK Jr. Day!

      So today I wanted to look back on the last week of events going on in the news here in the US.

      How can so many things be going on in just the last week! With this bozo in chief still in office I have a feeling that this is going to be the norm until he’s out of office from here on out!
      So Trump thought for whatever reason that he could take on Pelosi because she’s a woman and who has way more respect shown to her b/c of the way that she handles herself in my opinion than the con-artist in chief and I believe that he’s completely jealous of her!! Just my opinion on that

      So Pelosi sent out a letter to the con-artist in the oval office that basically he wasn’t invited to do the State of the Union address because of the shutdown and b/c of the security with the shutdown etc. Which yes I completely understand. That buffoon still needs security an the ones that are working are doing it without getting paid and that is just not right!

      So, the buffoon decides that he will get Pelosi back for that by not only telling her as I remember (correct me if I’m wrong) 45-minutes before they (Pelosi and group) were fixing to leave for the trip overseas she is told that the trip is cancelled and that she could take a commercial flight b/c of the shutdown. Okay, fine he wants to be a total baby about it so be it . But here comes the kickerthat buffoon let it be known publicly where she and the group were going and then made the flight info as far as I understood it made that public as well!!!! 

      That is going too flipping far!!! She is the next in linen for President if Trump & Pence go down and we all know that Pence is in this up to his eyeballs almost as much as Trump is b/c he is to flipping quiet and it will come back and get him as well! I don’t believe that he’s innocent in all this crap at all!!! And the way that Pence came in and ended up being his VP.just doesn’t say anything to me but rat just like Trump!

      So here’s the thingPelosi would be the next President and buffoon Trump might be a little smart and know that and that is why he made the trip public!! He needs to be charged with something for doing that!!! You don’t just go out there and say yea here you go to all the crazy people out there to put her life and others in danger!!! I don’t give a flip if you are supposed to be the commander in chief this con-artist toddler clown was never anything more than a laughable idiot who doesn’t know anything about the country and laws and how things work here in the USA! He knows nothing except how to go bankrupt how many times? 6? 

            He already has a ton of charges that will be brought against him and that is a fact that there are and will be and many court cases involving the idiot as well! He needs to pay for every one of them!!! He is nothing more than a human like the rest of us and he is not above the law by any means so they need to make sure and take the steps that him and the rest of his corrupt criminal family are going to prison for the rest of there lives! 

            I hope that everyone had a great day!

Love & hugs always from your Queen of Random - Lisa


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