Welcome to another new month & my current thoughts
So with all the crap going on here in the US, I wanted to just say my opinion of so many things that there is a long list but I’ll try to keep this short and sweet as much as I can….
First and foremost, my heart, thoughts, and prayers are with everyone that is going through things right now…whether it fires on the west coast or the hurricanes and such from TX to FL to Puerto Rico my thoughts and prayers are with you all!!
I am very thankful that I live where I do and we are okay for the time being here in Oklahoma, we have our issues but disaster-wise we are okay for now, thankfully!
Now to move on and talk about all the BS that has been circulating just this month…
So back when the 2016 election was going Trump and his supporters had this chant going of “Lock her up” because of all the bs email crap that was going on with Hillary…well NOW is it really a huge surprise that guess what? There are I believe now 6 of Trump's admin that have been found to of been using private emails to correspond with others about white house business!! And it just so happens that 2 of them are not only his daughter but her husband as well! Yep BIG shocker there! And the fact that they KNEW about that unless they are just that dense? Yet AFTER the election, they chose to open an email account and they CHOSE to correspond with others thru it about WH business instead of doing it the right way of using the white house emails. What hypocrites! So the new chant should be now “Lock Them Up!” Sad really to think that they made such a HUGE deal out of what Hillary did and yet what are they doing now? Ridiculous!!
And then Trump thought what that it would be a good idea to “run his mouth” as much as he could and try to name call and push the buttons on another madman that is just as psycho as he is and that would be a good way to talk in front of the leads at the UN meeting?! Perfect!! Yep, let’s just TRY and push the “Rocket Man’s” buttons because well just because or rather to get the media off of the story of the Russia crap dealing with the election! Instead, let’s go for a war! Yep, that’s it, let's start a war b/c of 2 madmen that can't stop acting like toddlers on a school playground bullying each other and calling each other names! Ridiculous!!!
Those are just some of my thoughts about the BS that this US admin is putting out there…. there are much more topics going on around our country but, sadly, in my opinion, they are being overlooked b/c of all the BS going on with the White House!! Sad really that our own POTUS is so flipping SELFISH!!! Acting as if Puerto Rico isn’t a part of the US and why help them?! IDIOT!!!
The 25th amendment needs to kick his butt OU
T of office before he runs his MOUTH off to the WRONG person and ends up literally starting a war which I wouldn’t be too shocked if he does that before this year’s end!!! He has ran his mouth enough!!! He is UNSTABLE mentally and needs to be OUT!
I’ll be doing more posts on things throughout the rest of the year.
Have a great upcoming week!
Hugs always,
Lisa, your queen of Random
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