BREAKING: Trump Sought Moscow Deal While Running for President

You know it just really seriously blows my flipping mind every time that something else comes out about this BS and Trump with Russia!! I'm not per say shocked about it because after all, this is "Trump" that we are referring to but, damn seriously? Does he seriously NOT think that WE the people rather it be Mueller or someone else won't get to the bottom of things and find out the REAL TRUTH?! People are NOT going to quit just because Trump says stupid things on Twitter!! Especially Mueller!! He has a job and he's doing it well and I have EVERY confidence that he is still digging up stuff on Trump and I have a feeling that there is MORE than enough to get that man out of office just right now that we know must less what he actually knows! And people WILL come forward and stuff will get told and leaked and that is the way that it will come crashing down all around him sooner rather than later so WHY keep telling LIES?! WHY??? Oh right because everything that doesn't come out of his mouth is "Fake News" uh huh...BS!!! Trump just keep going and digging that hole deeper buddy!! You, your family and what's left of your so called allies will just keep going down!

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