Day 31 by Kane Caldwell
Title: Day 31
Author: Kane Caldwell
Genre: Erotic Romance Standalone
Release Date: June 10, 2017

I felt responsible.
I tried moving on. Looking for light on my darkest days. But I just couldn't handle the demons inside. Out of despair, I tried ending my life. But just like protecting what was mine, I failed.
I was sent to the mental ward.
Sixty days.
Thirty-one days in, they put me in a new visiting program.
I didn't think anyone could reach me.
Then her sweet fucking gaze hit me.
My life revolved around one thing, the church.
That’d been until I found countless shady documents the deeper I dug into my father’s office. When I got to the end of the rope and my questions hadn’t been answered, I took the next step.
I signed up for the visiting program, one prayer was answered when I was assigned to him.
I had Thirty days with him to find the answers I’d been looking for.
But nothing went as I’d planned when his powerful gaze hit me.

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