#BehindTheBlogger All For You

  Hello fellow bloggers, thank you for stopping in and reading my #BehindTheBlogger post this week. I love being a part of this every other week. So thank you again for stopping in, I appreciate you taking the time to come in and read my thoughts etc.

   So this week is called All For You. So I am going to break this down into several little pieces since I have something to say about different ones in my life and so forth.

  I have a ton to say about/to my spouse but, I'm going to leave that for last and start with my kids. I have 4 kids. They are all grown up/young adults. I have a 23, soon to be 21, next year 20 and just turned 18 years old. Regardless of what some of my family might think and say and put into 2 of my kids heads, they love to butt in! I love all of my kids, I love them each in their own special ways. They are equal to me in love. No, I don't like what a couple of them have chose to do with no keeping in contact with me but, keeping as far as I know in contact with my mother etc. That is their choice though, I am and always will be their mom like it or not! I am proudest I think of the 2 that have stayed by my side. It just shows me that they are not as nieve as the other 2 whom they were promised things and never got. Those two wanted "materialistic things that I couldn't at the time give them such as name brand clothes that cost $100 for a pair of shoes or $50 shirt or whatever. I gave my kids EVERYTHING that they needed growing up. But, to me, hugs and I love you's go further on a daily basis then wearing a $50 shirt twice before you forget about it ... that's just me and my thoughts and opinion on that. And why do I think this way? Well for one, when I was growing up, that's what my mom did to me. She tried to show me love by buying the nice clothes (not saying I wasn't appreciative of them) but, I would of rather had a $20 pair of jeans and a $10 shirt and a hug and an I love you on a daily basis then the name brand clothes. Just my opinion....my mother never said I love you and never hugged me. She abused me in more ways than one (physically and emotionally) so that is part I believe of why it was and is very important to me that I taught my kids that materiallistic things come and go and the I love you's hang onto you forever!! I still regardless love each of my children and will always love them no matter where they are or what they are doing in their own lives. They are my pride and joy and I believe that I raised good kids, they turned into young adults and decided to choose the path which they should and while I disagree wth it I still would and will always welcome them in my life. 

  This part is for my friends. I have had a lot of good friends through out the years. I'm very blessed to of had the chance to meet each of them. Through my younger years in the 4th grade I believe it was that I met one of my best friends and we were best friends until we moved to TX when I was in the 6th grade. I still talk/chat with her now and again on facebook and I'm thankful for that and her mom. Her mom was considered and still considered my 2nd mom. She knew how to make me feel loved and appreciated and still does. Then when I moved to TX I was thankful and blessed to of become friends with several people that are still my best friends til this day. Some I met in the middle school and others (most) in high school but regardless they are still awesome friends til this day! I chat with them and keep in touch on facebook. I'll admit not as much as I'd like, I'm bad at being a workaholic and losing touch sometimes but, they each and every one know that I love them and they each mean the world to me.

  My blood family...I don't talk much about them because I don't have contact with them. I don't feel like I should be talked down too whenever I call my mother to say hello and everytime I do she talks down to me and stresses me  out so I told her either knock it off and respect me or I just won't call anymore and she didn't knock it off so I haven't called her since. Family for me are my friends that love me, respect me and know me for me and know of my faults but, don't talk down to me because of them and don't bring them up. People change and when you care about someone you give them a chance and then you love them for who they are and don't bring up the bad things just because you didn't get to do those things when you were growing up. My step dad whom I refer to as my dad whom I lost a couple of years ago, he was one of the ones in my family that treated me like I deserved to be treated and I miss him so much!! My grandfather also was the same way ... I was his "Si-Si" I was his first grandchild/granddaugther and he would do anything for me and I loved him so much with all my heart. He's been gone for some time now...back when my youngest was just a toddler...miss him so much too! And then my uncle Bobby...he was one of the ones that also treated me with respect and the way that family is supposed to treat each other and he was also one that didn't believe in gossip and all that jazz which I loved him even more for because him, along with my grandfather and my dad Bo would take up for me whenever everyone else was BS'ing and gossiping etc. I love those 3 and miss them with all my heart an dwould do anything for them to be here with me just for a hug and an I love you and miss you...sigh....

Then there is my husband...we have been married since Valentines Day in 1995 so yea we've been married for quite some time. Always easy...no not at all!! We've been through A LOT and are still going through a rough patch although we have reconciled its just the part of him coming home that I am waiting for. I love him, it's crazy how events in your life can make you feel one way for so long then something happens and you realize that you can't live without that person in your life and world and that you  indeed do love him more than you ever thought you could or would! I miss him and my heart aches for him daily but, I know that this storm won't last forever and soon he will be back home where he belongs and with me in my arms.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my thoughts for this weeks Behind the blogger. Please feel free to look below and read some other bloggers thoughts as well. 

Have a great rest of the week! Much love always --- 

Lisa-Queen of Random

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Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.  Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

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LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed


  1. I'm sorry that you've experienced such heartache and pain with your family. My wish for you is that you continue to choose what is best for you and the ones you love and that, however it happens, your heart heals.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, appreciate them! Hugs! Have a great day!

  2. Blood family is not always who you need to spend time around. You have to do what is best for you. I wish you peace and happiness.


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