Motivational Monday - Accomplishments is a journey
I definitely believe this quote!
I've accomplished a lot just in the few months that I've been on my own and its definitely been a journey, but, its been a journey that I wouldn't take back! I would want to do it over again for sure!
I am very proud of myself for getting out of the negative situation that I was in and very proud of all the things that I've accomplished since being here. I have kept my work going steady and I've gotten a couple of new clients and its building up really good to where I can now take off evenings and get off at 6 my time unless I choose to work later which sometimes I do and other days I don't.
Its quiet!! Where I was wasn't a good environment for taking calls, here even though we are in an apartment it's still pretty quiet for the most part to where it doesn't interrupt my calls.
I'm growing not only in my work but, still as a person and I like being here and getting things set up and decorating the way that I want too and doing things when I want too and going in there and cooking whenever I please and watching whatever shows I want too because I can!! Loving it!
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