Jamberry & EcoCycled #AllTricksNoTreats Blog Hop Giveaway

Welcome to the first annual "All Treats, No Tricks" Giveaway Hop, brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers & Up All Night Blogging! We are a group of bloggers that specialize in giveaway hops - so stay with us and you will have many chances to win some amazing prizes! Each blogger participating in this hop has a giveaway with a prize value of at least $15 - and some are much more than that! Be sure to visit them all - there is no limit to how many prizes you can win! Good Luck and Have Fun! 

Why not enter this great giveaway to win some cool prizes? Good luck to everyone that enters.

Enter to win Jamberry Nail Wraps and a Printed Book Artwork. October 16 - 31st Sponsored by Jamberry by Jessica and EcoCycled Good Luck Everyone!
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Disclosure: Zulema Tomlinson, publisher of A Small Village Blog received this product free in exchange for an honest review and giveaway. A Small Village and any other participating bloggers are not responsible for shipping or prize fulfillment. This giveaway is not associated with any social media networks including Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

LISA-QUEEN OF RANDOM claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed


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