Survivor Finale - what did you think?
I have been watching Survivor since it started years and years I am a HUGE fan!!
This last Survivor..oh wow! I SO wanted Malcolm to win!! I loved him from the first time I saw him and I will keep on loving him and maybe they will bring him back again...3rd times a charm!!
Did you see the "tease" that they gave us about next season in Sept?? Blood Vs. Water...Interesting for sure! I don't want to see anymore of the Hanson family I think that was there name...Brandon and his uncle..nope I can do WITHOUT them thank you!
And I can do without Phillip...I've had enough of him to last a lifetime! Some players just seem to automatically click with me that I love and others just annoy the fire out of me when I first see them and hear them..he was one of them! I would love to see Shamar back though and definitely Eric..I was wanting him in the top 3 darn it!!
I hated that Eric got out at the end like that b/c of the medical issues..really sucks but it just wasn't meant to be this time so maybe next time?
I don't think that I will ever get tired of watching Survivor as long as they keep it entertaining and interesting and don't make it something stupid...I don't know about this Blood vs Water thing...sounds weird but different so we will see...but not til September!
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