Favorite Facebook games?
Hey everyone, I know that a lot of us are on facebook and probably more then what we want to be or should be..lol I know that its addicting at times for me!
So I thought I would ask what are your favorite games on there that you play? Or do you play games on there??
Share what you do on there with me.
I do it all!! LOL...I am doing my status updates, I am posting and reading in groups and I play games. Right now my main game is Chefville. I love it! I used to do Gourmet Ranch, Big Business, and Flower Shop and now I do those very rare. Oh and I do Farmville 2 also since its tied in with Chefville. I use to play Farmville and FarmTown with all my friends but I got everything and just got tired of it after playing it daily they were my first 2 and only games right after I joined. Now I see that Farmville has added a lot of different things so that is good but I just haven't taken the time to check it out lately. I've played a few others now and again but not that many.
I love the groups on there. I love how it goes to your email and you can reply from your email as well if you don't have the time etc to login to the facebook and reply on there. Sometimes that is the best way to do it when your working!! LOL
So share what you do on facebook and what games you play if any and or what groups your in. I have several groups that are just me and certain friends and I really like that..easier then messaging and easier then putting things on walls where everyone can read.
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